Tag: <span>Emmy van Deurzen</span>

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

A Cognitive Behavioural Approach to Understanding and Treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder

We’ll start our discussion with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) overview. This condition is more than just the casual term “narcissism” often tossed around in everyday conversations. It’s a genuine mental health condition marked by persistent behaviours and beliefs. In our subsequent sections, we’ll delve deeper into the application of…
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

What Is Existential Therapy?

Existential therapy is a philosophical approach to psychotherapy or counselling that emphasises the human experience of living and the inherent struggles and challenges that come with it. The idea that individuals are responsible for creating their own meaning and purpose in life is the basis of this approach. Existential psychotherapy…
Max Karlin

Max Karlin

Max Karlin Главная About me Max Karlin Psychologist, Counselor, Trainee Existential Therapist With a BA in Practical Psychology, I am currently a trainee Existential Therapist at the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) and Middlesex University in London. I am following a comprehensive clinical pathway accredited by the United…


Contact us Главная Contact information Contact us to change your life for the better If you want to book an individual appointment with Max, then please call, send an e-mail or text via SMS or WhatsApp. The appointment list for Jevgenija is currently full, but if you want to work…

Book Appointment

Запись на консультацию Главная Запись на консультацию или в группу Запись к Евгении полная. В настоящее время работа возможна только в групповом формате или на обучающих программах Балтийского Института Психотерапии. Для записи на консультацию для пар или групповую работу, отправьте заявку через контактную форму или напишите на WhatsApp. Расписание ближайших…


Online courses Jevgenija Karlin’s online courses are excellent tools to better understand yourself, other people and live more interesting, more harmonious and more conscious. Go to online courses page Zmdi Zmdi-facebook Skype Whatsapp Instagram Buy book online In the book” In Love and Neurosis: A Guide to Your Love Story”,…


26 Март 2023 Синдром опустевшего гнезда By Max Karlin 0 Comments behavior therapy Max Karlin Consulting Jevgenija Karlina Psiholoģija альфрид лэнгле в Латвии психотерапевт Выберите подходящего для вас психолога Евгения Карлин Консультации психолога в Риге Консультации психолога в Юрмале лучшие психотерапевты в риге Любовь и Невроз Макс Карлин Наладить семейные…